H.O.P.E. Ministries will meet tomorrow, Thursday, June 6. Come at 6:00 p.m. for a Dayton Cooks! meal, with program to follow. You can also attend via Zoom at 6:30 at this link. The guest presenter will be Rachel Sobitz, Director of Community Engagement for relink.org.
Relink.org is an online database for persons coming home from incarceration and many others. Rachel is passionately committed to helping others find the resources they need to improve their quality of life and help them thrive. She will guide us in learning how Grace can be added to the relink.org database of resources.

On Monday, June 10, at 7:00 p.m., Grace will host a concert by the Cardinal Chorale!
Founded in 1995, the Cardinal Chorale is an elite ensemble of high school- and college-aged singers. Called “Choral Ambassadors of Hope” their mission is to uplift and inspire one song at a time.
You are invited to be a part of a ministry of hospitality for this group. You can help in a number of ways:
1) On Monday evening, there will be a meal provided by Dayton Cooks! Please contribute a dessert—you can bring it to church on Sunday, and it will be refrigerated.
2) We also have been asked to provide overnight accommodations for the youth. This would entail picking them up after the concert Monday night, June 10, taking them to your home to sleep, giving them breakfast Tuesday morning, June 11, and getting them back to church by 9:00 a.m. so they can continue their tour. If you can host one or more, please contact Lois Ramey at loisclarkramey@gmail.com.
3) Share the event on your social media. The link is here.
4) Come to the concert, and bring a friend! It’s free!

On Saturday, June 8, there will be a Dayton View Historic Homes Tour. Guests may park in the Grace Harvard lot, and we are offering free tours of our church building. Grace needs parking lot greeters and tour guides on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please contact Larry Ramey at larry.d.ramey@gmail.com if you can participate for any length of time! This is a great opportunity to introduce neighbors to Grace!