New Study Beginning This Sunday
It’s an age-old question: Why is there evil and suffering if God is all-loving and all-powerful? Why do injustice and violence persist when God wills justice and peace in our personal and communal lives? After taking a straw poll of various options, this was the topic chosen for our next Sunday morning study. We’ll explore it from the angles of our own experience, the Bible, a sampling of theologians, and Wesleyan tradition. Rev. Dr. Amelia Boomershine will lead the discussion. We meet at 9:15 a.m. in the Blue Room. Join us and lend your wisdom to our circle.

Have you set a time each day to pray this prayer? It makes it easier to remember to do it. Daily praying will make a difference in the power we have to hear God’s guidance.
God of surprises, break through the life of Grace church and its people to reveal to us new ways we can be faithful and fruitful, moving into the future you have in store.

The Soul Care Retreat for our UWF group will be held Saturday, September 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the home of Linda Bales Todd, 1441 Roamont Drive in Centerville. Beth Vanoli will facilitate “Nurturing Wonder and Play”!
It’s not too late to register. Contact Linda at joylab47@yahoo.com or 937-979-4207. Each attendee is invited to bring a covered dish to share. Dessert and beverages will be provided.
This will be a time to relax, have fun and experience a deeper connection with God. Please join us!