Long-time Grace member Mel Enyart has unexpectedly relocated to California for health and family reasons. He sent a note to Susan Nordyke, and we are sharing part of it with you here:
I am sooo very sorry that my medical conditions and lack of tech equipment have made me fail to communicate with you, Susan and others of Grace….but better late than never. I realize it’s been now two months since I came to California for Thanksgiving….only to find the problems I now have.
Shingles was the start, with fevers, rashes, low blood pressure, and weight loss (down to 140s). Anyway my wonderful Fresno daughter and her husband have put up with me using a walker. They’re taking my blood pressure and doing all sorts of nursing stuff.
Anyway…late as it is, I thank you for what you are and always have been.
Even with my low tech skills, I’m trying to reach Grace people to let them know where I am and what my future is. We are planning for me to move to a local assisted living place here in Fresno, down the street from my daughter’s. I am hoping to move to my new quarters in April-May.
I hate to say “good-bye” to all the wonderful Grace people, but not knowing how many months or years I might have, what my family has planned for me seems logical. If I had all the Grace people’s names, email addresses, etc., I would share my plight and say how blessed and grateful I am just to know and have known them.
Editors’ note: If you would like to reach out to Mel, here is a link to his email address: melenyart@yahoo.com.