What a great start to the month and the week! We celebrated World Communion Sunday, Pastor Steve finished his sermon series The Core Teachings of Jesus for Today with a hard one—”Love Your Enemies”, and we experienced beautiful music from Gabrielle Flannery and Joe Severyn. If you would like to see it for yourself, click HERE for the Grace Church Dayton Channel of YouTube.
Don’t forget that next Sunday begins a new series, The Season of Creation, with Blessing of the Animals! Plan to bring your non-aggressive pets to worship! Dogs should be on leashes, and cats should be in carriers, please!

Grace is launching a new ministry on Sunday, November 3. The Home Communion Ministry will provide communion during scheduled visits for people who are unable to attend church and receive communion in person.
Here’s how it works: Pastor Steve will bless communion and distribute it to volunteers, who will then visit people and share communion with them. This ministry is led by Sharlyn Stephens Radcliffe. Pastor Steve and Sharlyn will be offering training to all who are interested in helping with this ministry.
“One of the things I realized when first coming to Grace Church is that there is a large, extended group of persons who maintain relationships but are unable to be here to worship in person,” said Pastor Steve. “And I also strongly believe that there are persons who care about the people who cannot be here and would welcome the opportunity to be the presence of God’s love as they visit and share the sacrament.”
Here’s how you can help: if you are interested in serving as a volunteer for this ministry, please contact Sharlyn at swradcliffone@gmail.com or leave a message at the church office, 937-278-4731.

All are invited to the Wednesday, October 9, meeting of Grace United Women in Faith. It will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Dayton International Peace Museum. They will meet at Grace UMC at 12:30 p.m. and take the Grace van to the Peace Museum and carpool for those who may need assistance. There will be light refreshments and a brief business meeting, followed by a presentation from the new director of the Museum, Alice Young-Basora! We will return to Grace around 2:30 p.m.
Peace is critical in our world, and this gathering will provide a chance to see how Dayton is responding to the tensions in the world! Please come!