A couple of new series will begin at Grace on Sunday! First, at 9:15 a.m., please join the study group in the Blue Room. Rev. Dr. Amelia Boomershine will lead a four-week discussion on “The Problem of Evil and Suffering”. She will use angles of our own experience, the Bible, a sampling of theologians, and Wesleyan tradition. Should be fascinating!
Then, at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary, Pastor Steve will begin a four-week sermon series titled “The Core Teachings of Jesus”. First we will explore “The Way of the Cross”.
Some serious topics, addressed in the environs of a loving and curious community—please join us! If you can’t, you can watch the worship service here for the Grace Church Dayton channel of YouTube.
You are invited—yes, you!—to a potluck dinner and meeting of Grace by Heart. Bring a dish to share and come on Monday, September 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Blue Room. This is a group[ of Biblical Storytellers which meets to plan ahead for telling scriptures in worship AND to learn about the importance of saying and hearing the Word rather than reading it from a printed page. Even if you aren’t called to tell the scripture, you are welcome to join this group!
The Grace men continue their tour of Dayton eating establishments by visiting the Hasty Tasty Pancake House on Tuesday, September 17, at 8:30 a.m. The address is 3509 Linden Ave in Dayton. Bring your appetite for food and fellowship! See you there!